-May 28, 2024

His dues had been delayed by over three months, says victim’s family; JNU says the employee’s salary was paid regularly


-April 25, 2024

Wheelchair Rugby Federation of India is helping quadriplegics live life on their own by boosting their mobility and confidence through sport


-April 18, 2024

Company demands Rs 1,000 each from the 340 contractual employees; around 270 of them have already paid the sum according to the workers’ union


-April 13, 2024

Launching a “Suggest Your Union, Demand From Admin” initiative, the union seeks student input to formulate a Charter of Demands addressing critical student concerns


-March 19, 2024

As the countdown to polling day ticks away, excitement mounts among students, particularly those participating in the elections for the first time


-February 18, 2024

Teams from the Delhi Fire Services, National Disaster Response Force, and local police responded, removed debris, and freed trapped workers


-February 10, 2024

Dikshu Kukreja, head of CP Kukreja Foundation for Design Excellence, explains why the university campus could be considered a microcosm of Delhi


-December 15, 2023

The JNU Students’ Union (JNUSU), backed by 11 members from different student organizations and hostel presidents, articulated their demand in a letter to the vice chancellor
