On 75th Independence Day, PM Modi lays out roadmap to India@100 from the ramparts of Red Fort

- August 15, 2022
| By : Patriot Bureau |

PM Modi said said an aspirational society is very precious for any country and in India, people's aspirations are on the rise.

PM Modi

On the 75th Indian Independence Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, donning a blue kurta and turban with tricolour stripes, took the podium in the ramparts of the Ref Fort in Delhi to announce that India will be a “developed nation” when the country marks the 100th year of the day.

Describing the roadmap of India in the next 25 years, PM Modi on Monday said, “Be it the Centre or states, governments will have to work to realise the aspirations of the people of the country as they can not wait anymore to see their dreams being fulfilled.

Addressing the nation from the ramparts of the Red Fort on 76th Independence Day, he said an aspirational society is very precious for any country and in India, people’s aspirations are on the rise.

“Aspirations are on the rise in every section of the society. Every citizen wants a change, wants to see it happening in front of their eyes and is not ready to wait anymore,” the prime minister said.

People want to progress with speed and they are not ready to “force their coming generations wait for it”, he said.

PM Modi on Sunday paid homage to all those who lost their lives during partition, and applauded the resilience as well as grit of those who suffered during that tragic period of history.

Modi had announced last year that August 14 will be observed as Partition Horrors Remembrance Day in memory of the struggles and sacrifices of people.

“Today, on Partition Horrors Remembrance Day, I pay homage to all those who lost their lives during Partition, and applaud the resilience as well as grit of all those who suffered during that tragic period of our history,” Modi said in a tweet.

Pakistan was carved out as a separate country after the division of India by the British in 1947. Millions of people were displaced and many lakhs of them lost their lives in the communal violence that followed.

(With PTI inputs)

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