Human Interest

Muhammad Tahir -January 18, 2024

MCD workers who have been appointed on compassionate grounds complain about delays in salary, lack of safety equipment, as well as, the temporary nature of their job


Muhammad Tahir -January 14, 2024

Farmers on the Yamuna Khadar struggle to survive during the severe cold wave after authorities demolish their houses and standing crop


Tej Prakash Bhardwaj  -January 13, 2024

Majority of the 20,000 beds in shelter homes remain unoccupied as many homeless people “prefer sleeping in the open out of choice” or due to lack of identity cards


Tanisha Saxena -December 29, 2023

Many in the city, including those visiting for medical treatment, are struggling to find warm spaces in the capital in peak winter


Muhammad Tahir -June 20, 2023

Ahmad Khan Anjam started an institute in 2017 to teach English, Indian languages and other subjects to fellow Afghan refugees, but lack of funds may lead to its closure


Ahona Sengupta -October 28, 2022

While CEOs see side jobs as ‘cheating’, for most employees, it’s the only way to make ends meet in the post-pandemic age when prices are ‘skyrocketing’ with every passing day. They say it’s the only way to survive the flood of expenses


SA Sneha -June 29, 2022

Following a tweet by Soumya Mishra, Twitter was abuzz with a debate around whether gynaecologists should ask about marital status to understand if the patient is sexually active


Judith Mariya Antony -June 26, 2022

Tucked away in corners of Delhi, away from the public eye, are leprosy ashrams and colonies to accommodate those who suffer from this disfiguring disease. They struggle to live a normal life, finding comfort among their own kind but not accepted by society
