
-July 18, 2023

Anjum Hasan’s latest novel, History’s Angel, describes the life of a middle-class school teacher and his family in contemporary Delhi


-May 18, 2023

Modi said 10 special museums are being built to immortalise the contribution of the tribal community in the country’s freedom struggle


-February 6, 2023

Located in a small village of western Delhi, Mini Qutab Minar has historical appeal and urban legends associated with it. But years of neglect have rendered it forgotten


-December 8, 2022

While debate on Jama Masjid’s decision to disallow women from visiting the premises for non-praying activities rages on, it is time to look at some of Capital’s mosques built by women


-October 31, 2022

The Nahar Singh Mahal has beautiful pavilions and courtyards with royal ambience carefully and has been converted into a motel-cum-restaurant by Haryana tourism department


-September 7, 2022

With more than 300 historians on board, Karwaan – a student-led initiative now entering its fourth year of existence – bridges the gap between history and the masses


-August 27, 2022

The doorways of old Delhi serve as a portal to the times of architectural beauty. Some of them remain intact, some are ruined, while others are replaced by modern doors


-August 22, 2022

Being a heritage site and a monumental garden, Roshanara Park is one of the many gardens Delhi boasts of. With the unmarked tomb of princess Roshan Ara Begum, her elegant palace, and a dense garden, the park narrates a beautiful tale of lost history
