
Proma Chakraborty -September 21, 2021

This latest exhibition at India International Centre, in collaboration with Art Konsult, presents a unique look of the jamdani sarees representing the quality and skill of artisane from pre-British Raj era  From the late 19th century, some from an even earlier period, to some rare pieces produced by the East India Company – here is […]


Proma Chakraborty -September 21, 2021

Looking beyond What: Gallery Threshold presents “From The Ordinary To The Extraordinary: Pandemic Still Lifes’ by V Ramesh. The process of painting engaged him over the pandemic in an intensive yet spontaneous quest to retrace his journey afresh by using watercolours and gouache. Ramesh looks for that transparency of being able to look through a […]


Proma Chakraborty -September 14, 2021

Ishara Art’s latest exhibition, a cumulative of images, text and sounds, reminds us how we cannot cut off from our past and future Nurturing emerging and cutting edge artistic practices from South Asia on an international platform, Ishara Art Foundation presents, Growing Like A Tree: Static In The Air. Curated by Delhi based Sohrab Hura, […]


Patriot Bureau -September 13, 2021

Perceptive works What: Vadehra Art Gallery presents a solo exhibition of 27 paintings titled ‘Miasmatica’, featuring recent work by artist Anandajit Ray. Ray pursues symbiotic energies in theme through deliberate distinctions in the focal points or character of a particular series of work. He consumes the generality of the surrounding environment with open minded largesse, […]


Proma Chakraborty -September 8, 2021

This unique exhibition by Latitude 28 gallery highlights the rural landscape of Mewar along with the Gauri Dance, documented in digital photographs The Gauri Dance of Mewar is a centuries-old performance art tradition that is celebrated among the tribal communities of Rajasthan. Documenting this folk dance form, gallery Latitude 28 in association with Museo Camera presents […]


Proma Chakraborty -September 8, 2021

Uncertainties on canvas What: For the past decade, Thukral & Tagra have been exploring issues such as internal migration and emigration, the nature of ephemerality, the social realities of the Indian populace, and the strategies of survival of the dispossessed. Their newest body of work titled ‘Conjecture’, on display at Nature Morte , looks at the multiple […]


Proma Chakraborty -August 31, 2021

Kiran Nadar Museum of Art’s latest exhibition evaluates the viability of the ideal of equilibrium in a world shaped by the pandemic, civil wars, and unending ecological crisis A figure dressed in white navigating the water rowing a  boat of ice until it melts, a famous mathematician withdrawing from the pressing needs of everyday life, […]


Proma Chakraborty -August 30, 2021

Emotive works What: Born in Puri, artist Tapan Dash moved to Delhi in 1996 and since then, canvas has been his choice of self-expression. Dash acknowledges that his paintings are subconsciously influenced by the sculptures and art he witnessed as a child in Orissa. His works are on display at the ongoing exhibition ‘Dialectics of […]
